How long are quotes valid for? Our quotes are valid for 30 days. This is not a confirmed booking until 25percent of the total booking is paid.
How much deposit to book items for the day? A total 25% deposit of the total booking is required. This is non refundable under any circumstances. We are a busy event hire business. Our furniture is hired out weekly so we often decline other clients wanting furniture on the same date. For this reason we do not offer a refund.
When is final repayment required? Payment is due in full 7 days prior to your event. Once this is paid, it is non refundable under any circumstances. We are a busy event hire business. Our services are hired out weekly and we often decline clients wanting our services for the same day. For this reason we offer no refund after payment in full has been paid 14 days prior.
What happens if something is lost, stolen or damaged? We would require a 30percent cash deposit of items If any item is lost, stolen or damaged whilst in your care. You are responsible for the full replacement value. However if items can be repaired, we will have the item repaired and you are responsible for the cost of the repair.
Wet weather terms For furniture outdoors. We would recommend allocating a reliable person to move furniture undercover if it should rain on your day. The furniture cannot be wet under any circumstances. If we are setting up your ceremony outdoors, a plan B must be arranged prior to your wedding day. We require you to make the call 3 hours for indoors or outdoors, prior to your start time. A refund will not be given on the day if there is no plan B in place or you choose to go ahead outdoors and it rains.